When Life Has Other Plans…Discover the Hidden Gifts

This is Dorothea’s first book (CAN$ 20.00) first published in 2020 during the height of Covid. Interestingly, even though there was no book launch event, there was nevertheless a great interest in the subject matter and the book has been selling well. It could be because many people found themselves quite challenged and were looking for input on how others had coped with their challenges.

‘This memoir is full of examples how adversity and challenges can be  catalysts for inner growth and even gifts. It’s Dorothea’s true story as a woman…After many adventures, Dorothea ended up in Victoria, BC, in the energy vortex of the Pacific Northwest coast where her training as a healer in integrative medicine and spiritual coaching began.

This is Dorothea’s first book first published in 2020 during the height of Covid. Interestingly, even though there was no book launch event, there was nevertheless a great interest in the subject matter and the book has been selling well. It could be because many people found themselves quite challenged and were looking for input on how others had coped with their challenges.

‘This memoir is full of examples how adversity and challenges can be catalysts for inner growth and even gifts. It’s Dorothea’s true story as a woman…After many adventures, Dorothea ended up in Victoria, BC, in the energy vortex of the Pacific Northwest coast where her training as a healer in integrative medicine and spiritual coaching began.


This 244-page paperback and ebook is available from Amazon, or directly from the author via email books@dlgordon.ca

What Readers Are Saying:

“‘When Life Has Other Plans’ tells a story that includes Dorothea L. Gordon’s discovery of energy medicine 40 years ago. Dorothea has been using it ever since as a regenerative approach to healing and well-being for herself and for many grateful clients.  I found it absolutely enjoyable to follow Dorothea’s journey into extraordinary realms and, also, to see how she has turned life’s challenges into portals for higher consciousness.”

Donna Eden
Author, ‘Energy Medicine’
World-renowned authority on energy medicine
Award-winning, New York Times bestselling author


“Dorothea L. Gordon’s When Life Has Other Plans…Discover the Hidden Gifts is a highly informative book about leading a holistic lifestyle by learning how to address our mind, body, and spirit and become the healthiest and happiest versions of ourselves. The author generously shares her life experiences so that her readers can also manifest their visions. This is a must-read book not only for those who wish to lead holistic lifestyles but also for general readers. At the end of each chapter, the lessons learned from her experiences are noted as gifts and I find them very helpful and quite enlightening. Easy to read and engaging, the book reminds us that we should learn from all the good and bad experiences that life brings us and strive to follow our dreams. I highly recommend this book!”

Maria Victoria Beltran for Readers’ Favorite


“Thanks so much for sharing your really, really beautiful book and your personal story with me. It is an easy read, easy to follow and visualize. I was about half way through it last night and went to sleep contemplating why the universe had brought it to me. Although our stories are different, there are so very many similarities to mine, it was striking. So, as you can imagine, I couldn’t wait to see how it ended! And to realize how you found peace, love, joy now in just being and in nature and not seeking, brings a smile to my face and gratitude in my heart. Perhaps that’s the message in this for me.”

Kim R., Victoria, B.C.


“This captivating book tells the story of an ordinary person who turned into an extraordinary woman. Through good and bad times, Dorothea shows how she developed the ability and willingness to learn from life’s lessons. – I can highly recommend this well-written biography to anyone, but especially to those among us who are wanting to learn more about the world beyond our physical senses.”

Agnes K., Victoria, B.C.


“I finished reading your book last night and really enjoyed the read. It was so interesting and fascinating in terms of your life experiences and your abilities in the healing world. I found it really flowed well, and loved the lessons at the end of each chapter. Totally a great human-interest story, Dorothea. I felt hopeful – there is hope for all of us, no matter what situation. I would recommend it to my friends. It provides inspiration for sure and totally inspires me to adopt some of these changes/thoughts/suggestions/explorations, into my own life.’

Cynthia S., Victoria, B.C.


Sample Chapter



          On January 11, 1985 I came home from errands when my husband told me there had been a call from one of my sisters in Bavaria informing us that my mother had had a stroke. They would call again with an update. I was terribly upset and certain that I had caused the stroke with my tape, but later found out that it had arrived after the she had gone into the hospital. The other worry was that now she wouldn’t be able to look after my children. I saw the door closing in front of me.

The next call, a few days later, was cautiously optimistic, but on January 17 the dreaded message came: our mother had died the night before at 11:45pm. I was beside myself with grief and extremely angry at the Universe that it had taken away my only chance for a new beginning. What was I going to do? I know now that I was still spiritually unconscious and could not make any sense out of this tragedy and discern that the tracks had again been moved into a new direction for my inner growth.

A few days later there was another desperate phone call from home. Apparently, the electricity in the house was acting strange. Every time they tried to plug something into an outlet, sparks would fly. The toaster, the washing machine and other appliances either didn’t work or sparked. Could I help with my connections to the Universe?

I called my teacher Pat and told her what was going on. “Yes, this is not unusual,” she said. “Your mother is angry that she had to leave the earth plane and worried about her orphaned children. She is still hanging around them, trapped between here and the Spirit World. You need to have a conference call where you assure your mother that you will be able to handle your lives and help each other.” That’s what we did and the electrical problems stopped immediately.

Then I found out there had been another amazing development. When my mother lay dying, I had telepathically asked her to send me a message after she, (her spirit), had left her body. Perhaps let my husband’s hair grow back or let the rosebush in front of our house burst into full bloom in January.

A week after my mother’s passing my youngest sister, Su, called. She said she needed an explanation for a strange occurrence: 2 days before our mother had died, Su had noticed with surprise that her watch had stopped at quarter to twelve and that the little window on the right indicated the date was January 16. As she didn’t feel like changing the date back to the 13th, she took off her watch, stopped the mechanism, placed it on a shelf in the dining room and left it there. A couple of days later, when she looked at the date window again, the numbers had not changed. They were still in-between the 16th and 17th of January.

Mother had died at 11:45 pm on January 16th, almost into the 17th. That was undoubtedly the sign I had asked for. How else could an inanimate watch move the date ahead and stop in a precise position which would have meaning to only a select group of people? My mother, as pure energy, had manipulated the date mechanism on the watch to indicate her departure time.

Later I found out that exactly four weeks after our mother’s death, a man had called her house and asked to speak to my mother by name. He insisted that she had called their music store a few days earlier to organize the sale of the girls’ electronic practice organ. They told the shocked man that their mother had died a month ago and that there must be some kind of mistake. But he insisted that he had spoken to her personally. Our mother had somehow managed to make sure that the transaction would go through in her absence.

The proceeds from that sale paid for my flight to Bavaria to help settle the estate because all the other bank accounts had been frozen for the time being. Since I didn’t have the funds for a ticket, my mother had arranged for them from the Spirit World.



My gift:

Proof that my mother’s soul lives on

book cover